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Showing posts from 2010

A Lying Tongue

A "Liar" in all respect, is an individual who continuously and consistently lies on a regular basis. Some people lie in hopes of escaping a horrible situation that they may have placed themselves in. On the other hand, you have those people that just lie for no apparent reason. See the thing with a lie is that when you think you may just have to tell that one, several other instances follow that one lie, and require you to tell many more. When you do wrong, wrong follows you. But when you attempt to live right, right follows you. I know a person that lies a lot. This person has been a liar since day one. For some odd reason, God has placed this individual in my life in hopes that I may serve as their vessel to salvation. Right now, this person is just too naive to realize that the spiritual path they are traveling, is so much better when you have a person of God to accompany you. I try my hardest to show this person that their lies are not only destroying th...

Friend or Associate

Lately, I have been evaluating the relationships with those that I categorize as my "Friend." My Bible provides the definition of the word "Friend" as an intimate associate, association of familiarity and companionship. Now, with that being said, I'm sure that you can draw a many of conclusions to this definition. However, in my opinion, not saying that the Bible is incorrect- but friendship cannot just simply be defined by a definition. It is defined by the action, the loyalty, the compassion, the unselfish, and the truthful demeanor that a friend is entitled to possess. My husband told me that I needed to find me some friends here because he is tired of me just sitting around the house. In relation to my Bible's definition of friendship, along with my standards, individuals that possess those qualities are really hard to find. Sadly, majority of those that I used to consider a "friend" are merely just "associates" now. True ...

Just Don't Let IT Get You Down

You can run, but you surely can't escape "Pain" when it captures you. Sometimes the pain that a person causes to your heart can be drastically life-changing. It will either do one of two things; drive you bananas or make you the strongest woman walking! One thing that you must not allow the pain to do is get you down. What person in this world is so important that you would allow them to steal your joy and cause you to forget about all of the greatness that God permitted to manifest in your life? No one on this planet is worth it. Your personal relationship with God is a bond that no human can break. However, they may be able to tamper with the bond by causing you pain, but they surely cannot break it. When you sit down and think about the hurt in your heart, think about how God made a way when you had little money, no place to stay, no food in the pantry, no clean clothes to wear, no one to talk too, and no car to drive. GOD looked out for you. Now, after taking...

If anything can go wrong, it will

Do you sometimes feel as though you are carrying the entire world on your shoulders? Do you sometimes feel as though everything is going wrong in your life? Do you sometimes feel as though you are alone and that no one will ever be able to understand what you are dealing with? Do you sometimes feel as though God is punishing you? Do you sometimes feel that everything good that you try to do in life always goes bad? Do you sometimes feel that you never should have gave that guy the time of day because you knew that you were way too good for him? Do you sometimes feel that your closest friend, really isn't your friend at all? Do you sometimes feel like giving up and throwing in the towel? Do you sometimes feel like turning away from God because he is not answering your prayers when YOU want him to answer them? Well, if you have ever felt this way, please read on..... Everything that was mentioned above is all a part of life and the tests that you must overcome in order for you to gro...


There are times when you just have to humble yourself and your spirit, and just say "O.K." I hope that you understand what I mean. There are people in this world that have what you call a "listening problem." They feel as though they know everything and that they are right about everything. It is imperative for you to simply express your opinion and let it be when dealing with individuals as such, or else they will drive you bananas! Saying "O.K." does not exemplify weakness at all. It actually exemplifies strength. It takes a strong-minded person to just keep quiet and hold their opinion to themselves. My husband is one of those people. I admire him for being that way. I guess that is one reason why I truly respect and love him. It would be a wise idea to keep people that can say "O.K." on your team. They really help balance the world out.

"Girl Listen"

Now, for those of you that have fragile eyes that can't appreciate a woman for keeping in 100, I suggest you close out of this blog right now. On the other hand, for you steadfast women, that can take all of life's punches and still press on, this blog is for you. "Girl Listen" is the phrase that my friends use when they are about to share some real deep stuff with me. My girls value my opinion because they know, Toni Lynn is going to give it to them RAW. I don't sugarcoat anything because I love my friends. I want them to know that. Whenever I give feedback to a given situation that I am presented with, I empathize before I rationalize the situation. I keep my girl's best interest at heart at all times and I refrain from giving them direct orders. Who the heck am I to tell my girl what she "Needs" to do. It is her life and she will ultimately make her own decisions. Okay, to the important stuff. It perturbs me to talk to women that only want to shar...

The Gift

My life is exactly what it is. It's my life. I don't live my life to please or to appease anyone on this earth. I strive to live to serve as a vessel for God. It gets hard at times, and I tend to fall short. However, I just continue to press on because the easy thing to do would be to simply give up. And Toni Lynn Valencia does not give up on anything or anyone that she truly believes in. There are a number of people that have let me down in my life. Some more than others, but that's neither here nor there. It doesn't matter. It's the past. I can't go back and change it, so why waste the time pondering over it. People, the past is what it is...THE PAST! I am guilty of dwelling in the past at times, but lately God has been whispering to my spirit informing me that I need to live for today. Today is his gift to me. It is "The Present." A present is a gift right? Who would refuse a gift? Especially a gift from God. Take the time to be appreciative instead...

Your walk, Your stride

Every time I would hit the runway, I would receive compliments regarding "My Walk." The intent of my walk was to of course appeal to the designer of choice, but to also communicate to the audience that I was a strong, confident, never-failing woman. I could walk in anything, no matter how high the heel or the length of the dress. I had my own way of "Rockin It." There were several instances following a fashion show that members of the audience would come up and ask me where I learned to walk the runway. Each time, I would tell them that I practiced day in and day out in my mirror to perfect my walk to my satisfaction. I informed them that I watched one particular woman walk at a fashion show before that absolutely intrigued me. From that day forward, I conditioned my mind to want to walk better than she. Not because I felt she was my competition, but because she truly had the walk and stride of a "BEAST" on the runway. I'm only human. I'm just a ...


Yesterday, I sent a co-worker an email that expressed to him my sincere gratitude for helping me. He responded back by saying that he will always be there to help me because he considers me as family, and also because he knows that I genuinely appreciate the help. As I read his reply, my eyes began to water. This past week has indeed been one of those weeks. There was a ton of laughter shed this week along with a ton of tears. Everything that you encounter in life is a learning experience. Basically, a mere time to grow and improve your character. You cannot sit back and just allow the world to pass you by while your stuck behind attempting to play catch up. I have been blessed to experience many trials and tribulations in my life. Yes, I consider them "blessings" because if I had not experienced them, I would not be the woman that I am today, nor would I be writing this blog in the attempt to help you. Now, don't get me wrong, the trials were painful and they someti...